Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's GREAT to be Home!!!

      Yesterday, Sunday, March 7, Mike was invited to go with La Iglesia Bautista El Redentor to some hot springs that are in the area. While there, he preached and baptized three believers. Coming home was a bit of a challenge, though, as the clutch went out in our bus on which he had carried the people to the springs. But, in spite of the problems, he made it home in time for services at our main church in La Esperanza.
      I did not go with him to the service at the hot springs. Our first Sunday here I was ill and so I had to stay home and didn’t get to see any of our sweet people. So yesterday, after leaving the house at 7am, I went instead with our workers to our mission works in the mountains. It was a sweet reunion! We had about 22 people in San Lorenzo. That is probably the most difficult community that we work in. The people are very much under the control of the Catholic church and if they show much interest in our work then they are threatened. At one time we were running nearly twice that number but, once again, we are struggling along with just a couple of families. We so appreciate Hermano Silverio (Bro. Silverio) and his family. They have been the one constant faithful family and we have met and had services in their home for the last 5 years. It’s not easy to stand alone in a Lenca community where you are sometimes persecuted for your beliefs. I admire this little family more than I can tell you. As long as we have believers there we will continue to go to San Lorenzo and teach them God’s Word.
      After our service in San Lorenzo, we then traveled to Ojo de Agua where we had a another service. What a joy it was to see the faithful believers there, as well as the new people that are coming. Hermana Enrique gave me her toothless, but beautiful smile and a BIG hug!  For years we met in this dear lady's home until the church was built in 2008.  Even though the new building still has just a dirt floor and we have some boards sitting across some rocks to sit on, that did not deter God’s people. We had 55 in attendance! The men in the church are working when they have time to get the building in shape. This area used to be as difficult as San Lorenzo, but by the grace of God, much prayer and perseverance, we now have a church there that continues to grow and is a lighthouse in that Lenca community!
      We arrived back in La Esperanza (our home) about 2pm. Hotir (who used to be one of my kiddos in Sunday School) left a while later to also hold the 3:30 service in Quebrada de Lajas. I had run out of “steam” and didn’t go.
      When Mike arrived home from his service and fellowship around 5pm, he could hardly walk. The rough roads had really done a number on his back. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to go to the evening service at our main church, La Iglesia Bautista Nueva Esperanza, let alone preach. He took some pain medication and laid down with some ice on his back. By 6pm, when our service started, he was able to slowly walk and so he went with me. Hotir was ready to preach and said that he wanted to preach, and so Mike let him. It was another wonderful service.
      For many years, the above was our normal, every Sunday schedule. But now, with Mike’s health problems, his doctors will not allow him to keep such a schedule. But God ALWAYS takes care of HIS work! In the last 2 years, God has raised up His workers to carry on His work. Hotir, who was a painfully shy little boy in my class on our front poarch 12 years ago, grew up to be a painfully shy young man. But this young man loves the Lord and has a burden for his people. When we are gone, he is in charge of everything and has access to everything we own. He is the one who drives to the mountain works and keeps things running. It is this same young man who has preached four times on Sunday! How we praise the Lord for him and his brother, Alex, who has faithfully taught my children’s classes in my absence. God is so good to raise up these young Christian workers. Please uphold these young men in prayer.
      Well, it’s GREAT to be home! We ask for your continued prayers. May our loving Father bless you all!

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