Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Broken Shovel And An Old Used Purse.... FOR CHRISTMAS???

Our two children are “long grown”. Our son, Brandon, turned thirty-four last month and our daughter, Kristy, will be thirty-seven in February. But if you were to ask either one to tell you about their favorite Christmas when they were growing up, they would both tell you about the very same Christmas… and strangely enough, that was the year that Brandon received a broken shovel and Kristy received an old purse from the Salvation Army store! Maybe I should explain.

That particular year was extremely difficult for us financially. I don’t remember why, because Mike and I have never been frivolous with our money. Nevertheless, for whatever reason, money was very tight that year and we were really struggling to make ends meet.

Sometimes it seemed that God would wait until the last possible moment to take care of a necessity, but during that time, just as always, He provided for our needs. We never missed a meal and we were usually able to pay the bills on time. But, we certainly never had any extra money!

As it got closer and closer to the holidays, I began to fret a bit. We were just not sure how we were going to provide Christmas for our children that year. I knew God would continue to provide for our “needs”… but I was not sure whether He considered Christmas presents for our children a real “need”.

Anyway, that year, Kristy was nearly twelve years old and Brandon had just turned nine. They were both old enough to understand that, sometimes, life is not always what we want it to be and we don’t always get what we want. They already understood that things were “tight” and we just did not have any extra money. So, when we explained the situation to them and told them that Christmas was going to be pretty meager, they took it with grace and acceptance. (You see, from the time that they had been old enough to understand, we had emphasized that, although it was fun to get presents at Christmas, the celebration is really all about Jesus Christ and His birth. Nevertheless, of course, kids ARE kids, and a preachers’ or missionaries’ children are no different from yours!)

We told them that we were all going to give each other a different type of gift that year. Each of us was going to think of something special that we could do as a gift for someone (like wash the dishes, rake leaves or make the bed for the other person for a week. etc.). They were to make a coupon or coupons, put them in a decorated envelope and put it under the tree. On the other hand, if they wanted, they could write out a promise (like “I promise you will never have to tell me to clean my room, or take out the trash, etc. because I will make sure it’s always done on time.”). They were told to think about it, pray about it and try to “give a gift” that the other person would really like.

Now, Kristy and Brandon understood this idea perfectly because we had given “birthday gifts” to Jesus in the same way. When they were very young, we helped them to think of something, wrote it for them, etc. When we had opened all our gifts and all that remained under the tree were our envelopes, it was a visual reminder that, even though we had given each other gifts, we were to remember that it was really Jesus’ special day and not ours. As they got older, we gave them the option of sharing what they had given Jesus or, if they had rather, they could just keep it between them and the Lord. (In addition, when they were small, I also made a birthday cake and we would light the candles and sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus.)

Nevertheless, even though we were going to do the same thing for each other this particular year, Mike and I wanted them to have something “fun” that they could open. In order for that to happen we had to be creative! We began praying and doing a lot of thinking. It was my job to come up with something for Kristy and Mike was to think of something for Brandon.

One day, as I walked down the toy aisle at the drug store, I saw a “life size” baby doll. It was a beautiful doll with the sweetest face, a soft cloth body and rubber legs, arms and head. In addition, it was only about $5.00! Well, as I paid for that doll at the counter, I just prayed that I would not be insulting my nearly twelve-year-old daughter by giving her a baby doll for Christmas. (Back then, children were not so afraid to be children!)

As I showed the doll to Mike, I explained to him that I had some scrap material and planned to make a little doll pillow and quilt. Also, since it was about the size of a real newborn, I was going to look for second hand baby clothes at the Salvation Army Store. He thought that was a good idea and said he would go with me. He hoped to find something for Brandon… or, at the very least, get some ideas for a gift.

Every Monday at the Salvation Army, everything was half price. I was so excited as I picked out little dresses, sleepers, booties, socks and a bonnet for that little doll and, if I remember correctly, the price was no more than a quarter for each item! Then, as I excitedly went to look for Mike with my “treasures”, I saw a blue “diaper bag” in which to put all the clothes. It was really just an old purse that had seen better days that was hanging on a rack with some other old purses … but it looked like a diaper bag to me!

When I found Mike, he was equally excited, for he had found an “Indiana Jones” hat and a bullwhip! Indiana Jones was all the rage at that time and every little boy’s hero. After paying probably less than $5.00 for everything, we went home. We were excited to know that, although it was not much, we had something “fun” to put under the tree for our children!

While I secretly began working on the doll’s pillow and quilt, Mike was working on his own project in the shed. Occasionally, I could hear the whine of some machine coming from that direction. Moreover, we were not the only ones being secretive. At times, I could hear the kids talking together, low and mysterious, behind closed doors.

One evening, Mike asked me to come out to the shed. He was finally going to show me what he had been making for our son. When we were sure that the children had not seen us sneaking out to the shed, he quietly closed the door and held up a spear that any native Indian would have been proud to own! Among his gardening tools, he had found an old shovel that was no longer of any use because the head had rusted and broken. Mike had ground the head down into a dull point. Somewhere he had found some scraps of leather and, using long strips of it, he had wrapped part of the handle as a handhold. Close to the spear’s head, he had then added some leather fringe and a feather. I remember watching him as he stood there before me, holding that spear. He had the same excited and hopeful grin that I had seen so many times on Brandon’s face when he would come running to show me something he had done of which he was especially proud. They were so much alike. I never said anything or showed it, but I remember feeling so close to tears and then, just as now, I am not sure if it was because I knew that Brandon was going to love his spear, or if it was because the look on Mike’s face reminded me so much of our son.

On Christmas Eve, as was our custom, we lovingly placed these small tokens of love under the tree for our children. As we did so, I noticed all the envelopes that we had thoughtfully written, decorated and placed under the tree. In addition, l was surprised to see that Mike and I also had a couple of small gifts from each of the children. Wherever did they get the money to get us a gift?

Christmas morning we awoke and, as was our custom, we took our Bibles and read about the very first Christmas and the very first Christmas “Gift” to man. Then, following another of our Christmas family traditions, I sang “Born to Die”, a song that never fails to humble me and bring me to tears as I sing of the amazing love that God has for sinful, ungrateful mankind. After our time of reflecting on the greatest Gift given to man, it was time for family gifts.

I wish I could say that I remember what was in each of the envelopes, but I cannot. What I do remember, is that I was nervous. As they opened their used and homemade gifts, I was searching each of the children’s faces for any sign of disappointment or dismay. Thankfully, I saw nary a shadow! They were just as thrilled and appreciative as if we had spent hundreds of dollars on them!

Then, acting almost shy with us, they took the small gifts they had carefully wrapped and placed under the tree and handed them to Mike and me to open. I think the priceless treasures that we found inside took us both by surprise. I call them “priceless treasures” not because of the monetary value, but because each of them had taken some little something of their own, something they cherished, wrapped them and given them to their Dad and I as a gift to us. Even today, that small act of selflessness on the part of two children, two children who had just received an "old used purse and a broken shovel" for Christmas, touches my heart as few things do.

There were other Christmases, before and after this particular one, where we were able to get them what had been on their “wish list”, years when we had spent probably more than we should have. I doubt that either one of them could name even one gift from those Christmases. I know that I cannot. So why is it that this particular Christmas is remembered above all others?

I have pondered that question many times through the years and I have come to this conclusion. I believe that on that Christmas, we came close to emulating the very first Christmas. I believe it is because, we did not just give something as a gift, we gave of ourselves... and we each “sacrificed” something for the other. And why would we do that? That I can answer in one word: “LOVE”!

Isn’t that what prompted the “first Christmas” nearly 2,000 years ago?

“For God SO LOVED the world, that He GAVE His only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” ~John 3:16

God Almighty limited and “imprisoned” Himself, first in the womb of a virgin and later, in a human body made of flesh, blood and bone. Why would He leave the realms of Heaven and subject Himself to these limitations along with the heartaches and pain of being a human being? Because He wanted to restore the relationship between God and man and the only way that could be accomplished, would be for Him to live a sinless life, allow Himself to be taken, nailed to a cross and killed, thus paying the price for MY sins… and for yours!

Why? Why would He go to such lengths? Once again, I can answer in one word: You guessed it! “LOVE”!
THAT, my friend, was the ONLY reason He came to earth... the ONLY reason He was born... the ONLY reason He died; Because He loves us with an EVERLASTING love! (Jeremiah 31:3)

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

No matter what anyone, any “religion", or any government may say… if CHRIST had not been born there would be no CHRISTmas! But, HE WAS BORN! He was born because He loves us! He was BORN… TO DIE!

The last line of the song by the same title, that song that I sing at Christmas, says:

“Jesus, baby Jesus, with a tear of love in your eye,

Oh, Jesus, dear Jesus, for me you were born to die!”

And, my friend, He died for YOU, too!

He truly IS the reason for the season… and may we NEVER forget it!

Here is our "little girl" today with
that old blue purse that I bought
at the Salvation Army Store
24 years ago.
In July of this year, while going through some things in storage, Mike found that old "purse/diaper bag" that Kristy received on that long ago Christmas.  All of those little clothes that I had so carefully chosen were still inside.  Even though, we knew that she had kept the doll, we did not realize that she had also kept the "diaper bag".  A couple of months later, in September, we were able to visit Kristy and her family.  As we were bringing our suitcases into the house, her daddy told her that he had something for her... and then handed handed her that old blue bag.  As you can see, she was thrilled! She has since shared, not only the bag and the clothes with her own three daughters, but also the story of that very special Christmas.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


One of the first Bible stories that I remember being taught was the story of Jesus walking on the water (John 6:17-21). Of course, I thought that was a pretty impressive thing to do… and probably a lot fun, too! Hey! Don’t laugh! You think I actually believe that YOU never had the same kind of thoughts??? Because I was raised in church and taught the Bible from the time I was old enough to learn, I don’t really remember being that surprised that He could even do such a thing. After all, I knew that Jesus was not only God’s Son, He was God, one third of the Trinity, and of course, I already understood that...


However, while attending Sunday school as a little girl, I later heard another account of that Bible story taken from the passage in Matthew 14:22-33. As my teacher taught from that particular passage, the she told us basically some of same things that I had learned in earlier classes.

I already knew that the disciples had been told by Jesus that they were to get into a ship and cross the Sea of Galilee to the other side where He would later meet up with them in an appointed place. And, I also remembered that, when they reached about the middle of the sea, it was pretty rough going because of a sudden storm. I knew just enough of the story that it enabled me to quietly slip into “pretend mode”.

You remember what “pretend mode” is, don’t you? Sure you do! When you were child, it’s very likely that 80 to 90% of your time was spent in “pretend mode! A child in “pretend mode” is no longer just listening to a story… they begin to see themselves as a part of the story! They pretend they are in the story and, in their mind, they try to imagine what it would be like if they were in that place, at that time, with those people and in living in the middle of those particular circumstances. While in this “pretend world,” they practically “see” the colors, “feel” the weather, and share the passion of everyone’s emotion! In that bigger than life “pretend world”, where sometimes anything is possible, they think that they can even “hear” every word of every conversation! Now you remember what “pretend mode” is, right?

As my Sunday School teacher told the story then I, in my imaginative, child-like state of “pretend mode”, could clearly “see” all of the disciples on that little ship in the middle of a wild and angry sea! And... I could see that, on that particular night ….

…The night was so utterly black that it rendered them totally sightless. Their only respite from the frightening darkness was the random, unexpected and equally blinding moments when the lightening would suddenly stab at the pitch black curtain that fell all around them. But, even those momentary flashes of light were alarming because, in those few seconds of illumination, they could see the enormous, towering, walls of water that were in constant motion all around them. Furthermore, each flash was always followed by a terrifying, bone-jarring explosion of thunder. While the wind howled around them, the waves batted the little ship back and forth, like a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. Every few moments, an enormous wave would cover the helpless ship and, like some great malevolent hand trying to forcibly drown a bitter enemy, the mighty sea would momentarily plunge the little craft into its depths. But each time, the assaulted  vessel would once again explode to the surface! It nearly seemed as if the little ship had a living pair of lungs that was desperately in need of air!

The sea water plastered the disciples’ clothes to their bodies and they shivered in the gusts of cold wind. Water dripped steadily from their hair and streamed down their faces. As they grappled with the ropes and sails, they  frantically clutched at any handhold they could find just to prevent themselves from being washed overboard! Nevertheless, they continually slipped and fell on the wet and wildly pitching deck of the ship. It took all their strength and their combined skills as seasoned fishermen just to keep the ship afloat and prevent it from capsizing. The roar of the wind and the crashing of the waves were nearly deafening, and it was necessary to shout at one another just to be heard above the tumult. After only a couple of hours though, their throats were sore and their voices hoarse. They were all exhausted, and weary beyond imagination. And then, just when they felt all was lost, there was another brilliant flash of lightning and...  they thought they saw something through the darkness, out in the middle of the tossing waves!  It was something that seemed out of place. Something out of the ordinary!

But, not one of them said a word. Some thought that they were having hallucinations that were, perhaps, caused by the tremendous strain of their present ordeal. Others thought maybe it had something to do with the salt water that was stinging their weary, bloodshot  eyes! However, another brief flicker of light revealed that there really WAS something…. Except… it looked more like... like...  someONE!

“Oh, my goodness!  Over there!  L-L-L-Look!! ” shouted a disciple, pointing past the stern of the ship into the darkness beyond. “What… or… w-W-WHO… was that??"

"I saw it, t-too! It... l-l-looked like a s-s-s-spirit!" stammered another.

And then another disciple, with his eyes as big as saucers, shared his fearful thoughts with them, "I d-don't know! B-B-But, p-p-p-perhaps it's the d-d-d-death angel coming across the wa-wa-water to t-t-take us!"

See! I told you that I had a good imagination! Now, at this particular point in the story, I was thinking that they were probably so scared that, surely…

…They could nearly hear one another’s knees knocking together! And at one point, the youngest of the disciples noticed that his legs suddenly felt as weak as wet noodles and he was certain that he was going to pass out from fright!

Then suddenly, out of the darkness, they heard a familiar voice calling to them! The voice said,

 “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.”

“Hey, guys! I think I just heard…? Oh…, never mind, that’s impossible!”
“No, wait! I’m was positive that was…., Uh…, Er…, Oh well, just forget I said anything!”
“Yeah! I bet I know what you were gonna say! I bet you were gonna say that that sounded a lot like Jesus’ voice. But, that’s crazy…! Isn’t it…?”
“Well… Of course, it’s crazy! How could it be Him? But…, You know…, it DID sound a whole lot like… “

Then simutaneously, they all grew silent because, just at that moment, the mist cleared and they saw someone (someone that certainly looked like Jesus) coming toward them… and… get this…, He was walkingon.. the water!

Up to now, the story in Matthew sounded pretty much the same as the account in John. But, as the teacher continued to read the Biblical account, I heard something that I had never heard before! And this one new detail caused the whole story to take an unexpected turn! And for me, this one little difference makes this account one of the most fascinating and intriguing Bible stories in God's entire Book!

Peter is standing there on the deck, blinking and trying to wipe the salt water from his face. He squints his eyes as he tries to peer more clearly through the darkness. And then suddenly, he calls out to the figure coming toward the ship, “Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water!”

See! I wasn’t the only one who thought it sounded like fun!

Well, Jesus answers Peter with one word, “Come!” And the next thing they knew, Peter, apparently without any hesitation, and with his gaze firmly glued to the God-man that was steadily walking toward them across the water, slowly climbs down out of the ship and starts toward Jesus! And, yep! You got it! He, too, is walking on the water!

WOW! I can't even begin to imagine what that was like! Peter is just a plain ol’, ordinary, common, everyday, human-type person…just like me! And he’s walking on the water!!! I’ll tell you, I was really, and I do mean REALLY, impressed!

Now, even though that was such a high point in the story, I actually hate to tell you about the next part because, for me, it kind of went downhill. In fact, I was really a bit disappointed and upset with Peter. Just in case you are unfamiliar with the rest of the story, let me fill you in on what happened next:

Well, there’s Peter, walking across the surface of the water and thinking, “Hey! This is pretty fun! I mean, it’s really cool!” Peter quickly glances back at the ship and the disciples. They are all standing stock still, like they have been frozen solid in mid-motion. The only common element between them was that they stood there with their mouths gaping open. “Just look at them,” thought Peter, “I’m out here walking on the water and what are they doing? They’re just standing there in that bouncing ship with their mouths hanging open! In fact, now that I think about it, they really kind of look like a bunch of fishing bobbers!” It was at that moment that Peter decides to take his eyes off of Jesus just long enough to turn and wave at those poor suckers behind him. So, with that last thought, and a big cheesy grin on his face, he turns toward them. Just as he starts to raise his arm to wave at them, there is a tremendous gust of wind that nearly knocks him over and, at the same time, an unexpected swell of water splashes over the top of his sandals. Suddenly, Peter remembers that they are in the middle of a raging storm! He stops, looks around, and quickly takes notice that, in spite of the amazing things that he is doing, the waves are still rolling and tossing all around him and… they are just as enormous as ever!

Peter is immediately seized by fear! And then, unexpectedly, he begins to have a conversation with himself!

I know! I KNOW!  And you’re right! This sounds pretty weird but, who knows, maybe Peter was in shock or something?

What on earth am I doing!! I must be crazy!! How on earth could I even entertain the thought that I could ever walk on water? Why, I’m not even a very good swimmer! And I’m sure not Jesus… I’m just…. Peter! Plain ol’ Peter, a simple fisherman, an ordinary man!! And... Duh! Ordinary men can’t walk on water!!! And, just why can’t they, Peter? “Why?” WHY?? I’ll TELL you why! BECAUSE IT’S IMPOSSIBLE!  THAT’S WHY, YOU BIG DUMMY!”

And, just at that moment, when Peter’s conversation with himself ended, he started to sink!


And then, it hit him! He didn’t want to die, at least not right then, and certainly not in that way! And, all of a sudden, he knew what he had to do! There was only one Person who could help him, who could save him! So… in a panicky, high pitched, squeaky voice (kind of like a little girl’s!) Peter screams, “Lord! Save me!”

Immediately, Jesus calmly reached out, took him by the hand, and pulled him up out of the water. He looked at Peter, sighed, and then slowly shook His head. “Pete, you were doin’ so good! Then, you had to go and get all proud and too big for your britches! You just had to make sure the guys were watching you, huh? And, sure enough, when you looked back to make sure that everybody saw what "good ol’ Pete" was doing, you quit watching me! And as soon as you took your eyes off of me, you noticed the storm again… and, after you noticed the storm, you got scared and just couldn’t seem to get your focus back on me! Man, Pete! Sometimes, I just don’t get you! Didn’t you understand that the only reason you could walk on the water was because you had your eyes on me? You were able to do what no human being has ever done… or will ever do… ONLY because your focus was absolutely, completely and TOTALLY on ME! Why, Pete? Why did you have to start looking around? Why did you start doubting? You should have NEVER taken your eyes off of ME!”

Then, Jesus released a slow, deep sigh and, with sadness in His voice, He quietly said, “Well, come along, Pete. I guess we better get you back to the ship, then.” And, holding Peter’s hand, just like you would hold the hand of a frightened little boy, Jesus led him back to the ship and helped him into the boat.

Well, there you go. That’s exactly how it happened! Well, almost exactly! Okay! OKAY!! I guess you could say that that’s how it happened in the “gospel according to Debbie”!     Oh, Al -RIGHT!! What I really mean is…, that’s how I PICTURED it happening… at least, when I was little! I told you I had a vivid imagination! (But I bet I was pretty close!)

Since that time, I’ve taught that story from the Bible to children and teens many times, and I’ve heard many sermons on it. Almost without exception, the point is brought out that Peter did great… until he took his eyes off the Lord. When he did that, he committed a major “boo boo”! And I agree, wholeheartedly! I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that as long as Jesus is our focus, and as long as we trust Him, He will allow us to do things and overcome things that would, otherwise, seem absolutely “impossible”!

But unfortunately, like Peter, sometimes we become more concerned about whether or not anyone is noticing “just how wonderful we are”.  Or.. we want to make sure that they can see “what amazing things we are doing for the Lord”.  And, on occasion, we just desire for our peers to acknowledge “what a great ministry we have built”!

Then, there is the flip side of the coin. That is when we begin to focus on the storm. When all we can see is the storm, we become fearful and full of worry. We begin to think that there is no possible solution to our particular problem.  And, if we are not careful, we will allow it to take over our life. That is when the difficult circumstances or the problematic people seem to consume our every thought, influence all our decisions, and  dominate complete conversations. They begin to affect our attitude, our outlook, and sometimes, even our personality!   And, if we are not careful, they will eventually destroy us.

My friend, if the storm has the center of our attention, then we will fail to see the Master of the storm... even if He is standing right in front of us, waiting for us to call out to Him! It is essential that we keep our eyes on the Lord and stay focused on the promises of His Word.  Because it is then, and only then, that instead of being under the circumstances, we can stay on top and not sink into despair. This is a great lesson that each each of us needs to heed! However, I believe it is not the only lesson to be learned from this story.   

Have you ever thought about the fact that, although Peter messed up a bit and got his eyes off the Lord, he is still the only human being that has ever walked on water!! No other human, living or dead, past, present or future has, or will, have that distinction!

Not even the famous magician, Chris Angel, who has performed the illusion of walking on the water! 
*To see this illusion performed click here: 
And what can we say about the other disciples that were present during that story? Well…, Uh…, I really don’t know! What can we say? Let’s see...   Well, I guess we could surmise that they were standing in the boat, thinking to themselves, “My, oh my! The stress must have been just too much for him!  Poor old Pete has flipped his lid!”  Or..., we might conclude that...  the other disciples were just too chicken to ever try anything like that!   Do you think it could be that they were content to just "sit back" and watch Peter “do his own thing”?   Or perhaps, after really giving it some thought, we might deduce that the others obviously felt very safe and comfortable in the ship and just didn’t want to chance getting out! After all, it was Jesus who told them to get in the ship to begin with. (Matthew 14:22) So, accordingly, we could come to the conclusion that...  maybe they were “just being obedient.”

But, you know? Even though he was rebuked by Jesus for doubting and losing his focus, I can’t help but believe that Jesus was very pleased and extremely proud of Peter!  After all, he was the only one who had enough faith to get out of the boat!  You see, Peter knew, that with Jesus, anything was possible!  And remember, it was Jesus who told Peter to, “Come!”

So, while Peter was out strolling on the water with Jesus, the other disciples were…, well...  all we really know for sure is, they were just “standing there in the ship, bobbing around in the water”! (and... probably... with their mouths hanging open!)    Hmm, that doesn’t sound very dynamic or exciting, does it?

I wonder if maybe one or two of them were thinking, “MAN! Why couldn't I have been the one to try that?”

And so...
I believe that the other lesson we can learn from this story is this:
If you want God to use you to do something “fantastic” or seemingly “impossible”, if you really want to make a difference, both here and in eternity, and, if it is your sincere desire to do something great for God, then you’ve got to be willing to leave your “safety” and “comfort zone” and just “get out of the ship!” As a follower of Christ, you can not, and must not, be content with just “going with the flow” or “bobbing along” with everyone else!  My friend, if Jesus calls you and tells you to “Come”, and if you obey His call, you may have do the very thing that seems, to the rest of the world, a bit “crazy, illogical or impossible”! And, I’m sorry to have to tell you, but nearly 100% of the time, that means that you will have to crawl out of a perfectly good, water-tight ship and lower yourself into the cold, wet, stormy sea!

Yes, it is true that it can be scary and, even downright dangerous at times. There might even come a time when you feel yourself sinking and think that you will possibly drown!  But... Jesus is always right there; ready to hold out a hand to you when you call on Him!  And the bottom line is, unless you get out of the ship, you will never know what it is like to “walk on water”!

If you are a Christian, a born again believer, there is an even higher reason, a purpose if you will, that Jesus even allowed you to “board His ship” to begin with. Furthermore, it is imperative that you understand this purpose, and that you fully comprehend the vital importance and sense of urgency that I feel when I say to you, that ... 
...Jesus wants you to “get out of the ship”!

In fact, He’s begging you to

PLEASE!   Just...

GET    OUT    OF    THE    SHIP!