Friday, March 26, 2010

God's People Are So Good!

Recently, I mentioned that if anyone wanted to help send a teen to camp the cost was about $25.00. That seems very minimal to us, but for our people here it is like them coming up with $100.00! I really just mentioned it in passing and thought we might just have a couple of people respond. BUt we have received enough money to send 30 teens to camp! Now, we’re not sure exactly how many are going yet… but we DO know that it’s a lot more than would be going without your generosity. I hope to post pictures of the camp and the teens from our works as well as any decisions they might make. Please be in prayer for the camp meetings which will be held March 31 – April 3.

Camp can make a real difference in  a teenager's life!
~Photos from Family Camp 2007

On Friday, April 3, we also have an evangelistic medical team coming from North Carolina. They will be holding free clinics in some of the communities where we work or where we are trying to get a work started. This is a great “draw” to get people in that we might otherwise not be able to come in contact with. When they come to the clinic, they will not only receive help physically, but more importantly, they will receive the Gospel! We covet your prayers for this evangelistic endeavor as well.

We also ask for prayer for an opportunity that has risen in behalf of a new location for our Children’s Home. In joint cooperation with fellow missionaries Arlen and Jason Stevens, we have a supervised home where children from the mountains can come and live and continue their education. The Lenca children in the mountains have access to schooling only through the 6th grade. Their families do not have the means to leave their land and crops and come live in the city so their children can continue their education. Neither do they have the resources to pay for them to go back and forth from home to school each day. We try to supply a supervised, safe and secure place where children in our works can come and live while they go to school. Of course, they are also receiving Biblical training from us as well in hopes that upon graduation they will return to their families and communities as strong Christian leaders. The Home is currently located near our home and church, a little outside of town. Many of the students have night classes and must walk home in the dark (a little over a mile). This is a concern for us, of course. We now have been given the opportunity to buy a house in town that is just perfect!! Many years ago when it was built, it was set up as an orphanage, so it is well suited for our purposes. We are praying and seeking God’s guidance in this and we ask you to join us.

Once again, we just want you to know how much we appreciate the love, prayers, and support we receive from you all. Only when we get to Heaven will you know just how God has used you! God bless!

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