Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3, 2010

Today Mike and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that we've been married that long! And... we've been in full time service for the Lord for 36 years: 5 years in Deer Park, TX, at Central Baptist Church working with Pastor Charles Dunn as youth and music minister; 2 years at our home church, Calvary Baptist in Grand Prairie, TX, where Dr. Earl K. Oldham was pastor and Mike was visitation minister; and then, Mike was pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Tacoma, WA, for 14 years. Now, we have been missionaries to Honduras, Central America since 1994!
I remember thinking as a teenager that I didn't want to have a dull, hum-drum life. Well, life with Mike has been anything but hum-drum. I never dreamed that serving the Lord would be such an awesome adventure. God has so blessed us thru the years. He's given us two wonderful children, and now, six fabulous grandchildren... and they all love the Lord and are faithfully serving Him. I look at them and I think, "All of them are here because of our love for one another."
When we got married, 38 years ago, I thought there was no way I could love Mike more than I did on that day. But that was nothing, compared to the love I have for him now. Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Mike, for 38 wonderful years.

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