Saturday, October 1, 2011

Living It To The MAX !

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” ~ Sir Winston Churchill 

     As some of you may recall, in January of this year, on the evening before we were to fly back to Honduras, my dad had a heart attack. For this reason, Mike went back to Honduras alone and I stayed in the States for a “roller coaster ride” that I will never forget! 
     The “ride” began when, the following day, two cardiologists refused to operate on Dad because it was very doubtful that he could live through the triple bi-pass that was necessary to keep his heart working. The main problem, among his many other additional health issues, was the fact that his single kidney was only working at 16%. But finally, a third doctor told us he felt fairly certain that he could do the surgery. To make a very long story a little bit shorter, I will tell you that, after nearly four months in hospitals and rehabs (during which time my mother was also in the hospital for nearly two months), after countless doctor appointments, meetings with hospital personnel, etc., etc., they are now out of the hospital and, although Dad must have dialysis three times a week, both are doing fairly well. Because of so many prayers for him, Daddy, who is a walking miracle, is alive today! 
     However, health issues are still one of the main reasons I am, even now, here.  For the past 25 years, I have, on various occasions, suffered with adrenal fatigue, and actually had adrenal collapse twice. It is for this reason, I must constantly monitor myself and be careful not to “over-do” things. 
   The recent months of dealing with Dad’s health, the emotional ups and downs between hope and despair, the daily trips to the hospital, and the occasional late night or early morning phone calls resulting in additional unplanned trips to the hospital had taken it’s toll on all of us. I am convinced that that was the reason Mother ended up in the hospital with pneumonia (however, it was a broken ankle that was the cause for her extended stay). Linda, my sister, and I had to take turns holding each other up at times! Nevertheless, because I was well aware of the signals, I knew that I was struggling with adrenal fatigue and teetering on the verge of collapse and I was very afraid for my sister's health, as well! Coupled with that, I was dealing with an ever worsening headache that would not quit! 
     I have been plagued with sinus and tension headaches for many years. In fact, I even had sinus surgery a few years back, being assured that the problem would be cured. However, the headaches returned, becoming more and more frequent until they were a constant source of discomfort. One doctor told me that another sinus surgery would most likely be very beneficial, but I left that doctor’s office and never went back! 
     One morning a few years ago, my husband asked if I slept well and how I was feeling. I replied that I had a headache. He said, “I should have known better than to ask, because you ALWAYS have a headache!” It was then that I realized he was right! It was true! I DID always have a headache! At that point, I decided that since complaining about it and making those around me aware of my discomfort didn’t make them feel good or, for that matter, make ME feel any better either, I had a choice to make. I could either become a chronic complainer that people dreaded being around (I bet we ALL know someone like that, huh?) or, I could learn to try to ignore it and live with it! I chose the latter.  
     So, for the last few years, I have lived with a constant throbbing ache in my head and learned to just keep going. But, occasionally, the pain would become severe and I would have to take sinus, migraine or pain meds and go to bed until it was a “livable” headache, once again. After all, what was a little headache in comparison to the serious health problems of so many others around husband’s health included!
     Unfortunately, during the physically and emotionally exhausting months during Dad’s illness, the debilitating headaches became more and more frequent. But, at that point, I could not take the time to get the pain under control. I  had to keep going!
     One evening, coming home from the hospital, I pulled into the parking lot of the pharmacy to try to find something that would help stop the sledge hammer in my head and help me get some rest. It was then, that something on the Christian talk radio station caught my attention. It was a doctor talking about how, rather than drugs or surgery to take care of an illness, it was better to find and correct the source, or root cause of the illness. He said that God had made our bodies to function a certain way and that there were many things in our life styles, environment, foods, etc. that served to sabotage our health. He further explained, that since ALL of our organs function according to the nerve signals they receive from the brain, if those signals are blocked or impaired, the result is that the organs that are receiving the faulty or weak signals begin to develop problems. That is the reason that even those who seem to eat right and exercise regularly will sometimes suddenly drop dead of a heart attack or develop cancer, despite their healthy lifestyle! Anyway, this network of Christian doctors is dedicated to trying to help people get healthy and live longer and, at the same time, save them money on prescription drugs, hospital stays and surgeries. He gave his listening audience a number to call that would put them in touch with the Maximized Living doctor nearest their location, and promised that for $40.00 , each caller would receive a nerve scan and, if necessary, x-rays.
     For many years, I had had problems with my neck. Could that possibly be some of the cause for my headaches? Since no one else had been able to help, I decided to give them a call! What could it hurt? Who knows, I might finally get some real answers!
      I made the call, had the scan and x-rays, and the bottom line of what I found out is as follows: Long time problems, probably caused by a car wreck when I was in college, had diminished much of the natural curve in my neck. The normal curve is between 42o to 45o. Mine was 19o. Most of the pressure this caused was concentrated between two vertebrae in my neck, causing the disc between the vertebrae to be compress until it was completely gone. The x-rays taken revealed that these two vertebrae were now bone on bone and beginning to fuse together. Furthermore, this was the exact area where the nerves are located that send signals to the hormones and thyroid,  thus affecting the adrenals! Those signals from my brain to my thyroid and hormones had been short-circuited for years! (Later, saliva testing for exact hormone levels showed that instead of a normal progesterone level, which is between 200 - 600, I was at 7... not 700, not 70, but... 7!)  If this truly was the root source of most of my health problems, no wonder I did not feel well! Could this really be what had been causing the constant headaches and the reason I had, for years, battled with adrenal fatigue/collapse?
     Well, since March, I have been in treatment with Dr. Aaron Wall, who is a Maximized Living doctor. Yes, Dr. Wall is a chiropractor, but he is NOT a “let’s just fix where it hurts so it doesn’t hurt anymore” kind of chiropractor. He is a “let’s fix where it hurts so it doesn’t hurt anymore and then let’s correct the problem as much as possible so you won’t continue to have difficulty in the future” kind of chiropractor!     
      The treatment, in addition to chiropractic adjustments, includes at-home/self-help therapy and exercises to strengthen and re-train the muscles to hold your spine in place correctly. He also has books available to help you learn to make more healthy food choices & menu selections.  There are free monthly classes you can attend, by yourself or with a guest or two, to help better educate yourself on nutrition and supplements, environmental toxins, exercise, the effects and side effects of vaccines and drugs, as well as up to date facts and articles from the AMA Journal of Medical Doctors. All these “extras” are “optional” and “no pressure“ electives in which his patients can participate, or not participate, depending on their commitment and determination to achieve good health. However, if you do a search of Maximized Living on the web, you will find that there are those who say that these doctors are quacks or money hungry. In response to those articles, all I can tell you is what I have learned and experienced under the care of my particular physician.

1. Anytime I have mentioned health issues or questions concerning loved ones or friends, Dr. Wall has never hesitated  to recommend another doctor close to where they live, and has even gone as far as to do an internet search to give me names, addresses and phone numbers to further help them find a doctor in their area. (This is a world wide network of doctors.) 
2.  The initial fee for the nerve scan and x-rays goes to a local charity. 
3.  There are no wild claims of “complete healing where others have failed”, nor have I ever been told to throw away my prescriptions or over the counter meds. Dr. Wall gives out the information and facts. What you choose to do with that info is entirely up to you.
4.  There is no pressure, nor are there added costs or fees to attend the monthly classes that Dr. Wall and his staff conduct in person and after their regular work hours. 
5.  The United States Olympic Committee has named Maximized Living doctors as the official physicians for the U.S. Judo, Weightlifting and Wrestling Olympic Teams. Maximized Living Inc. is an official corporate partner and Chair of the USA Wellness Advisory Council and it is the Maximized Living Wellness Advisory Council doctors that are caring for our USA athletes, as well as athletes in Russia, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Italy, Africa and Turkey. (I’m proud to say that Dr. Wall, MY DOCTOR, works with the Olympic wrestling team!)

     Now, honestly, I ask you.... Does that sound like a bunch of money hungry quacks???
     At this time, I see Dr. Wall four times a week and should conclude my treatment sometime in November. Already, the results of my ongoing care are undeniable! After YEARS of living with a continual headache, I no longer have one! Even though, after starting treatment, things with my parents became more stressful and I became more physically fatigued, my body did not “crash and burn”! I truly feel better than I have felt for a VERY long time! But the most surprising thing for me has been the unexpected side benefits! I am no longer taking prescriptions for acid reflux or high cholesterol. Also, this is the first time I can EVER remember NOT needing to take sinus or allergy pills on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis, especially when in Texas! I have always had to make sure that I had a good supply of pain medications on hand, such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Exedrin. Those things have not been needed either!
      I am not saying that this type of treatment is a sure cure for every human malady or that you will never get sick by participating. However, I firmly believe that it is the best and most intelligent place to start if you want to feel your best and be ill less. It only makes sense to start at the source, root, or if you please, the “heart” of the illness - rather than just treating the obvious symptoms!
      But you know what? One of the most amazing things that I have learned through this is that their whole philosophy about maximizing your health and getting the most out of life is very Biblical and completely applicable to a Christian’s spiritual health and getting the most out of your spiritual life! Let me show you what I mean, and keep in mind, we are talking about a Christian’s
spiritual health. Here we go:

>Remember, earlier I said that the brain sends nerve signals down the spinal cord and out to every part of the body.  Now we all know that a person can be kept alive even if they are brain dead - but a brain dead person is not really living!


>Spiritually speaking, there are a lot of “brain dead” people walking around in our world! Only when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior (or - get a brain!) can we really begin to live! Until we are saved, we are all the “walking dead! (TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN BE SAVED AND SPEND ETERNITY IN HEAVEN, CLICK ON THE TAB ABOVE ENTITILED "HOW YOU CAN KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO HEAVEN".)
“And you hath he quickened  (MADE ALIVE),  who were dead in trespasses and sins...” ~Ephesians 2:1 
>The nervous system sends the signals back and forth between the brain and the organs. Our nerves also register pain to let us know that something is not right.


> The Holy Spirit “sends the signals” back and forth between God and man. It is He who speaks truth and peace to our heart through the reading of God’s Word and, it is He who interprets our prayers and needs to the Father. It is also the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin to let us know that something is not right. 

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

 ~ Romans 8:26

>The function of our spinal column is to protect our spinal cord (or nerves) and give us strength and stability (or in other words - backbone!). If our back or neck get “out of whack” it impairs the signals of the nerves to the rest of the body and we become weak and ill. 


>The function of the church is to protect the integrity of the Word of God so that His message is strong, true, and absolute. Also, a strong church that delivers the “whole counsel of God”, unhindered and without compromise, produces a strong, unwavering Christian with “backbone”! Sometimes though, a church gets “out of whack” and begins to pick and choose what and what not to preach.  Instead of preaching the whole Word of God (sending complete "signals"), they avoid or ignore certain Biblical truths that might be too unpopular, uncomfortable, or politically incorrect, then the result is weak, sick and "wimpy" Christians.

 “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of Godwhich is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” ~ 1 Timothy 3:15
“For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.” ~ Acts 20:27

The Maximzed Living doctors also teach that there are 5 essentials to having maximized health. These, too, have a strong spiritual application:


  1. >Are your beliefs about what is “healthy” and “good for you” based on truth and facts, or... is it based on an “accepted belief by the majority”, “passed down family beliefs”, or “blind faith in a doctor or the medical profession”?  You need to search out the truth!

>The same question can be asked about your spiritual “mind”. Do you know why you believe what you believe? We have always encouraged people NOT to believe what ANY church, denomination or man tells them about God, salvation and how to get to heaven! We tell them NOT to believe what WE tell them, either... UNLESS... they check it out against the TOTAL TRUTH of what GOD says in His Word! GOD DOES NOT, nor CAN HE, LIE! Check out the facts and KNOW the truth!!!!

>Spinal damage, or misalignment, causes inadequate nerve signals. Inadequate nerve function directly affects our health and well being - whether or not we feel it, acknowledge it or even believe it.
>I believe that was pretty well covered earlier.
>Poor nutrition not only leads to obesity, but it has been proven that a diet high in carbohydrates and sugars alter brain function and are a leading factor in the cause of depression, and an entire list of other serious health issues.

>God’s children get their healthy nourishment from reading the Bible and receiving solid Biblical teaching. But unfortunately, too many Christians are hooked on a “junk food diet”. They fill their hearts, minds, and time with “junk” rather than the pure Word of God. Just as we need to feed our body with GOOD things on a daily basis, we need to feed our souls the same way!


>Poor nutrition not only leads to obesity, but it has been proven that a diet high in carbohydrates and sugars alter brain function and are a leading factor in the cause of depression, and an entire list of other serious health issues.

~ God’s children get their healthy nourishment from reading the Bible and receiving solid Biblical teaching. But unfortunately, too many Christians are hooked on a “junk food diet”. They fill their hearts, minds, and time with “junk” rather than the pure Word of God. Just as we need to feed our body with GOOD things on a daily basis, we need to feed our souls the same way!


>We are constantly exposed to chemicals, pesticides, preservatives and poisons in seemingly harmless, common and established things that fill our daily lives. Things such as our food, water, household products, personal care products, and even medications may, without our even realizing it, be filled with harmful toxins that are slowly poisoning and weakening us and ruining our chances for a healthy life. 
>Unfortunately, the spiritual application about being exposed to “toxins” in our daily lives is pretty self-explanatory. It’s fairly impossible to NOT be exposed to Satan’s poison. Wickedness, immorality and perversion have become common place and "established" practices. Worldliness has even crept into many places of worship. But that does not mean that we are to accept it. We will never be healthy spiritually if we do not “detoxify” our lives!
No matter what we do here and now to enhance our physical health, there will come a day when we will all physically die, unless the rapture occurs first.  Until that happens, we all want to feel good, be healthy and get the most out of life!  Likewise, spiritually speaking, the choices we make here and now will affect our health and happiness during our time on this earth, as well the "quality" of our eternal life!!
     So, the big question is, why then are we willing to settle for less than the best? Why don't we  search for the truth, face the facts, get to the root, or heart of the problem and make the necessary changes so that we can have the best life possible.
In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it]
more abundantly.

It makes no difference to me if we are talking physical or spiritual...
I want to live to the max!!

If you are interested in learning more about Maximized Living or finding a Maximized Living doctor in your area, check out these websites:


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