Monday, May 3, 2010

Reprint Of An Article by Karen Weeks

Karen Weeks and her husband, Bob, were the ones who headed up the Evangelistic/Medical Team from North Carolina that was with us the week after Easter. What a tremendous blessing they all were! With her permission, I have reprinted below an article that Karen wrote about thier time here.
Medical Mission to the Honduran Lenca Indians April 2-10, 2010 by Karen Weeks
When I put out the word to see if anyone had the finances and time to go on a medical mission this year I thought probably in these low economic times I would not have to many takers. Last year we only had 9 and were unable to do all the evangelism we would have liked. So I put out the “fleece” and within two hours of the email call going out we had easily over a dozen saying this is the year they can go. We ended up with a team of 16 people to include a pastor to preach at the services and a school teacher who could and did devote her time to telling Bible Stories and giving the Gospel message. I am proud to say 4 of the nurses were from our own BNF.
We have been praying for over 3 years to be able to go to this mountain community where 100,000 Lenca Indians live. They are not recognized by the government so are not allotted medical care. Also, they are allowed only a half day of school and then only to the 5th grade. The first full day there was a Saturday. The founder of the camp where we were staying, Herb Prince, let us know he fed the community every sat. and gave a bible lesson or showed a Jesus movie and did we have anything prepared we would like to do! That is all it took to get the team in gear! They operated like a well-oiled machine! Jack, our pastor showed many how to make balloon animals as attention getters. Our teacher, Cathey, got out her Easter story cards and went over the lesson with her helpers. About 70 moms, kids and babies showed up for lunch. When my part came I got up to tell the gospel message while Joyce demonstrated the special bag that turns to the different colors. Usually looking over a crowd I see an interest. When I looked out on these dear, precious, people the verse came to mind from Matthew 9:35-38…..”But when Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them because they fainted…” They looked at me with dull eyes, sad and tired and were barely able to answer back. I thought, they are hungry and malnourished. We helped Herb and the two kitchen workers dish up the food. They were all served a plate with two hot dogs, a pile of beans, rice and two tortitas. Not a scrap was left. Jack then told a bible story using the balloon animals and the team made enough for everyone to have one and a sucker. We held a clinic for this community on Tuesday and saw 414 people, 163 of these were brought to us from the local school. Everyone got a bag with 30 days of vitamins, a worm pill, and a tract along with any needed medications. 23 were saved! When we got back I had a dream that as everyone came through the line besides giving them the usual they were given plastic bags with 1 pound of rice and a pound of beans. Luke 9:13 says in part” and He (Jesus) said to them (the disciples) “you give them something to eat”. I have to think God is telling us to add that, we who have so very much. I emailed our contact and PR man, Dewayne Chase, to find out local prices in bulk and it comes to about $1.00 a person for those two pounds of food. Since we usually see around a 1000 people I don’t think that is beyond God’s abilities to raise that extra money.
In the 4 communities we gave out: • 108 Spanish new testaments • 800 salvation bracelets • 1100 salvation tracts in Spanish • left 10 solar radios to go to interested homes (only picks up the local Christian radio station.) • We took 1000 lbs. of medicine and saw 1070 men, women and children—none were turned away.
The local missionaries who had invited us, Mike and Debbie Lane, led 72 to the Lord all together and were more excited than we were. They told us they had been working with these groups and having services but with us coming and drawing the crowds with the medicines the Lord’s work had been furthered by years. One mountain community that had not allowed services in the little church for 2 years due to the strong catholic influence said you can come hold services again. Another man saved in one of the other communities asked the missionary pastor would you please come and hold a bible study in my home for my neighborhood.
If God is calling you to spread the Gospel here or abroad---let God use you. We are planning to go to the same area next year for a week after Good Friday, April 22, 2011 so start praying and preparing. Plans are to be hosted by Herb Prince and include the Lane’s ministry depending on where the need is and who has time. To borrow a slogan from Steinmart: “Once you go, you get it!” You will be hooked on missions! Bob likes to say: “I have never worked so hard, without pay, and enjoyed it more!” To God be the glory!
Thank you ALL, for not only ministering to the dear people of Honduras, but also to those of us who work among them! You wil long be remembered! God bless you all!

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